P A T R I C I A    V A N    N E S S

Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris / The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris / The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light (2000)

for SATB

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Duration: 3 min.

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Commissioned and Premiered (Easter Sunday 2000) by First Church in Cambridge, Congregational
Peter Sykes, Music Director
Text: Isaiah 9: 2, 6, Biblia Sacra Vulgata translation (Latin)


Border art by Patricia Van Ness
"Cloister Garden #3" (2015) 8½" x 15½"
No Pattern Embroidery
Click here for more information about fiber art by Patricia Van Ness.

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